Memories Month

December is a month of memories for me. My grandpa died in December. Tabitha's granny (who was practically mine too) died in December. My birthday is in December. When my grandpa died we found out my grandma had Alzheimer's. In December my life was altered irreparably. I can honestly say losing my grandpa kind of traumatized me. And my mom. My grandparents practically raised me. I didn't go to daycare. I stayed with them. I didn't grow up with a dad. That was my grandpa. It was just me, my mom, my grandma, and my grandpa. So needless to say, December is kind of bittersweet for me. Which means that you ought to prepare yourselves for some random reminiscing. Here is a happy memory though. :-)

So I was cleaning Anya's room the other day and I found something that I made when I was a kid. My childhood BFF Tabitha (who I still consider a sister) and I used to make all kinds of animals out of beads but primarily geckos. I found this one:

It reminded me of the hours that we used to spend making these. We made all different kinds: Bears, rabbits, lions, cats, a zebra once, and the list goes on. We made them mostly with seed beads and pony beads. I liked the ones with seed beads better because we used wire to make them and you could make them stand up. And to a 9 year old that was awesome.  My 4 yr old thinks they are awesome as well.

I was digging through my closet and buried under all the fabric and yarn I found a few boxes of beads stowed away. I couldn't help it. I sat down and made a few for old times sake. I had to use yarn though and it isn't quite stiff enough to make anything other than geckos. So I made different colors instead!

I know it was kind of silly but if Walgreens can make thousands of dollars on silly bands..... Maybe I can sell a few key chains. Who knows, right?

Also another note for today: I <3 my local library!

Screw you Redbox and Blockbuster! My library has them for free! And I can get 3 at a time for a week! 
I have to be honest I was a little skeptical at first. Surely they don't have new releases right? WRONG! Omg they had Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2! That realization was probably the highlight of my day. You see, I grew up on Harry Potter. It was the first novel I read for enjoyment and that made me want to read more! So here I am almost 23 years old and I am excited that the library has HP71/2. Call me a nerd if you will. I've come to accept it as truth. 

On a side note, I am still procrastinating on my holiday knitting. I am going to go watch HP71/2 now. Night Night, Don't let the bed bugs bite! (They have those here in Kentucky. I thought that they were about as common as polio but I was wrong.)

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