Intro to me

Hi everyone! I thought it would be nice to get to know each other first so here is a little about me. My name is Kaitlin and I am 22, about to be 23, and I am engaged to a wonderful man named Aaron. I am also a mom-in-training to his 4 year old daughter Anya. This blog is going to be primarily about knitting and crafting things but as they are a huge part of my life they will inevitably be mentioned repeatedly. Especially since I knit for them A LOT. (You might be wondering what stereotypes of knitting I plan on challenging and the answer to that is only one: I am not a grandma!) 

I learned to crochet before I learned to knit. I received some yarn and a beginners book of crochet for Christmas from my boyfriend's stepmother and after much confusion and a few failed chain stitches I gave up. When I transferred colleges I met my future BFF, Mary Catherine,  in an astronomy class and after a trip to her dorm discovered her knowledge of crochet and knitting. She promptly taught me how to crochet properly and after successfully completing several amigurumi 
and hats 

(I liked things in the round) I progressed to knitting. I am a visual person and patterns come easy to me so I quickly expanded into more complex projects. 

Now I knit in all my free time and am working on designing patterns now. I will try to post some of my patterns and would love to get feedback on what you guys think. I will also be posting about anything that inspires me or any other project that strikes my fancy. Hope you enjoy!

P.s. You might be wondering what stereotypes of knitting I plan on challenging and the answer to that is only one: I am not a grandma! I got so tired of people always exclaiming, "But that's what grandmas do!" when I tell them my hobby and I started to wonder, Why can't I be young and hot and love knitting? I wear stilettos and miniskirts! Hence, my name.

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